Our Philosophy and Goals
- Promote and apply high standards and ethics to public land exchanges.
- Relieve private land owners of environmentally sensitive properties.
- Insure success in the pursuit of our mission through hiring the most highly qualified, experienced, and
professional consultants.
- Land bank private properties of high ecological value.
- Conserve wildlife resources, habitat and biodiversity through land exchanges.
- Guide sensible, sustainable, and profitable development of lands acquired through exchange.
- Orchestrate responsible land use of the properties obtained through land exchanges and implement
community input during the entitlement process. - Enhance the ecological integrity of habitat corridors.
- Aid the public agencies in obtaining lands in multiple species habitat conservation plans.
- Fill in “in holdings” within preserves, national and state parks, national monuments, refuges, and
designated wilderness areas. - Work with federal, state, county, and city agencies to facilitate land exchanges.
- Work with not for profit conservation entities to facilitate land exchanges.
- Increase knowledge of land exchanges to the public through our publications.
- Promote the interest of wildlife and conservation to children through our publications.